Donate to Recerve

We are a not-for-profit project that relies on the support of the community to help new founders and startups.

Donations received are directed toward helping founders set up their startups.

Why Donate to Recerve

We are a not-for-profit project that relies on the support of the community to help new founders and startups. We believe that it is the community itself that will boost the economy

As part of this community, we have brought together partners who are offering some amazing benefits so that those who are facing a tough time right now can turn their attention to making it through stronger - by fulfilling their startup dreams.

Donations received are allocated toward reimbursing incorporation costs for startups on the basis of due diligence. Recerve is focused on ensuring that startups that are ready to bring something innovative and needed to the market receive as much support as possible in their mission.